Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Obama's Health Care Reform Bill VS The Workforce

Everyone can agree that health care should be made available to every American. Now that President Obama has signed the bill into law we have yet to view the entire package. Already burdened tax payers will pay dearly for this one as in the end we still pay the cost. Businesses will be required to provide health coverage for employees. This action will have anegative impact on the work force as small business will have to scramble for extra funds to pay for health insurance. A small business owner will have 4 choices.
1) Raise the price of goods or services to compensate for the increase in costs. The end result consumers pay the price. Raising prices in a recession will slow sales which could lean toward layoffs adding more employees to the unemployment lines
2) Force employees to pay a greater percentage of the cost and opt for a cheaper policy with less coverage. Employees will see less take home pay stretching already tight belts. With less to spend in their pockets we slide further into a depression.
3) Lay off a few employees or freeze hiring as employees retire to compensate costs. This action will add workers to the unemployment lines sending us farther into a depression.
4) Start using temp agencies.
With a huge pool of overqualified work force in unemployment temps will be the wave of the future. An employer does not have to provide health coverage for temporary employees. Every few months the employer will tell the agency to send out different workers so they do not have to hire anyone. Productivity and customer service will decline as a result of temporary workers. Although they can be good workers, a temporary work force will have to be retrained every few months as they are bounced around from workplace to workplace. After a period of time this can have physiological effects on the best of workers.
Introducing a costly health care reform bill during a deep recession is bad politics. In the long run it might just push us into a depression. More job cuts and a further strain on the economy. The government always reports new unemployment filings for the month but they do not report the numbers whose unemployment benefits ran out and still are out of work. The government will not admit it because they always paint a rosy picture. Introducing the health care bill during a deep recession took the focus off the economy to the new subject of health care reform.


  1. Yea that sucks pretty hard.

  2. govornment always focus on the 'good' sides of new laws, and just ignore when people ask about the 'bad'

  3. that sucks

    btw, check out my new post on GTL Everyday :)

  4. obama is at it again lol

  5. here comes Obamacare

    btw, check out my new bubbles on Enhanced by MS Paint :)

  6. he's going crazy

  7. fuck the bill, it hurts everyone...including himself...either he's an idiot or his puppet masters are setting their own puppet up for disaster.

  8. I don't like the idea of making people do something like this. It's very costly to the business owners. The government itself should terminate tons of programs that force us to do things and offer us health care from it's own programs' budgets if they really want us to have health care and care about us.

  9. I'm not from US so I don't get all that fuzz about helt care... we have since ages that healt care Obama is now proposing in US, and it's working just great... :)

  10. hmpf, that doesn't sound so good.

  11. ugh, this type of stuff makes me sick.

    not really sick though, because then i'd be screwed

  12. There should be health care for everyone. If other countries have such good health care why don't we?

  13. American healthforms confuses me

  14. americans for every citizen should be world-fucking wide. no matter what. we should all look at one another as brothers not freaking animals...less than guys look at each other like bugs

  15. This is going to do more harm then help to the public I think.

  16. I agree my friends are always just getting temp jobs and getting laid of in less then a month

  17. National Health Insurance ftw.
    I feel sorry for US nationals. Genuinely.

    Thanks for the post.


  18. The Health Care bill was needed....but not right now. >.<

  19. wow that's going to be bad.

  20. Wow, that's a damn shame. This is going to hurt more than anything in my opinion.

  21. Well, at least there will be free health care. move in the right direction but at what costs.

  22. followin 'n' supportin bro :)

  23. Its not great Ill give you that, but its not like the previous system was great either

  24. I like the idea of the health care reform, I'm just not sure if we've pulled it off correctly...

  25. Lots of stuff going on in this debate.

  26. I think we're being to negative

  27. "An employer does not have to provide health coverage for temporary employees." The kicker is right there... an unfortunately result that will cause a significant rise in temp usage.

  28. uggg.. Americans. Nice post though, just at times you and your commenters really oversimplified the issue.

  29. I don't get the fuss about healthcare in the US. Why don't people want healthcare?

  30. Man healthcare should be free <3

  31. Useful info. COnsider me a follower!

  32. great stuff thanks for sharing!!

  33. The same things were said about Medicare/Medicaid. We have to make tough decisions to solve tough problems, and a non-insured/under-insured population is all of our problem.
    In case you haven't noticed, healthcare has been going up rapidly over the last few years, regardless of reform. A good part of this bill was to combat that, and we haven't seen that it won't/can't.
    I'm tired of hearing about poor big business. God forbid they sacrifice a pittance on their bottom line to provide a better life for their employees. Small business is well taken care of in the HCR.

  34. this makes me nervous, but we'll all survive

  35. I completely agree.

  36. +1 to "that sucks"

    Poor Americans. :\

  37. nice blog dude.

    nice info also.

  38. sounds like a lose lose situation.
